Render Pipelines
The standard Built-in Render Pipeline shader has been used for the materials on all the vehicles. This means you can import ACP into a project using any render pipeline and swap the shader to the correct one for you use.
The way to upgrade materials has changed at least once, so if the following information isn't correct for your version of Unity, search on Google (or your favourite search engine) for instructions from Unity.
Go to Edit > Rendering > Materials then you have a few options.
1- Convert All Built-in Materials to URP/ HDRP (the render pipeline you're using will be shown)
2- Convert Selected Built-in Materials to URP/ HDRP (the render pipeline you're using will be shown)
The first option will be the easiest one to select, though if you want to only convert the ACP materials at this time, then select all of them and use the second option.
Last updated